Sacred Saint Guan's Perfect Text on Enlightenment

{Part I}

帝君曰 The Sacred Deity said 人生在世 "People living in this world (should)
Guan Gung 貴盡忠孝 honor loyalty to the ruler,
節義等事 perform one's filial duty and have integrity in such matters.
方於人道無愧 On humanity, not being able to look people straight in the eye,
可立於天地之間 sowing discord in one's scope of operation and not being loyal to the rule(r),
若不盡忠孝節義等事 failing to perform one's filial duty and lacking integrity in such matters;
身雖在世 although one is here on earth,
其欺已死 one's conscious is already dead.
是謂偷生 This is called dragging out an ignoble existence.
凡人心卽神 In this mortal world, the conscience is the spirit
神卽心 and the spirit is the conscience.
無愧心 If the heart is clear,
無愧神 then the spirit is clear.
若是欺心 If one disregards the dictates of one's own conscience,
便是欺神 then in that case, one is cheating one's own spirit.
故君子三畏四知 Therefore the ancient ones of noble character and virtue follow the Three Reverences and the Four Knowledges
以慎其獨 and exersize caution.
勿謂室可欺 Don't say one can in a dark obscure place or room.
屋漏可愧 The roof may still leak in some clear conscience.
一動一靜 One moment moving, the next still.
神明鑑察 The gods examine and study one,
十目十手 and one will be under the glare,
理所必至 naturally.
況報應昭昭 The judgment will be clear and evident,
不爽毫髮 without the slightest deviation.
淫為萬惡首 Lewdness is the head of all sins.
孝為百行原 Filial piety is the source of hundreds of good behavior patterns.
但有逆理 However, there is still an opposing principle.
於心有愧者 In a heart that is abashed,
勿謂有利而行之 don't say 'If it's advantageous, then do it'
凡有合理 (This is) the mortal world's rationalization.
於心無愧者 In a heart with a clear conscience
勿謂無利而不行 don't say 'If it's not advantageous, then don't do it'.
若負吾教 If one fails my teachings,
請試吾刀 please try my sword.
敬天地 Respect heaven and earth,
禮神明 the gods
奉祖先 and one's ancestors.
孝雙親 Be filial to one's parents.
守王法 (Be) loyal to the king
重師尊 and value the principles of
your teachers. 愛右弟 Love your brother.
信朋友 Trust your friends.
睦宗族 Be on friendly terms with a
clan 和鄉鄰 and with persons from the
same rural neighborhood. 別夫婦 A nice husband and wife
教子孫 teach their children and grandchildren.
{Then the deity began to speak in stanzas}

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