GOATS 太陰 勾絞 貫索 天乙 歲煞 天煞![]() 犯太陰星君 You will be Tortured by the God of the Year which spells no good harvest for the RAM. There will a lot of contradictory problems afflicting you. Gossips, scandals, disharmony, badmouthing, emotional instability and bad relationship with people are going to be a norm at work and even hard work will not pay off well at the end. Crisis after crisis will occur. Crisis implies troubles, obstructions, failures in investments and blood mishaps. Therefore it is going to be a non-fruitful year for those being tortured by the God of the Year. The best is to appease Him in order to neutralize the effects and once neutralized, you will be able to see a bright year ahead. If all the proper steps are followed, the SHEEP could possibly enjoy 4th-6th place in terms of luck among the 12 zodiacs. ELABORATION 太陰 The Moon Star enters your palace. That means you will get useful help and assistance from powerful female figures. Female managers, business counterparts and customers will be giving you a generous helping hand to deviate the setbacks. You will take your career up a notch. You may start new businesses associated to females, such as cosmetics, skin care, ladies’ clothing etc for a better chance of success. Wealth luck continues to be good because the Moon is a minor wealth star. Your financial investment ventures will reap profits. Sporadic windfall luck is also indicated if you activate it. 。 ![]() 勾絞 Twisting Hook evil star coming down on you will cause troubles in relationship and lead you to sexual traps. Troubled relationship is indicated. You may be nursing a broken heart or harboring love vengeance。 ![]() ![]() The Piercing Rope star suggests rumors and gossips that will pull your wealth luck down. You will need to watch out for vile characters and properly screen through any document before giving your approval to any kind of project. Be prudent on what you write on any social networks. Avoid pushing towards dubious investment ventures. ![]() The Yearly Poison star brings about gossip, rumours and disputes. Petty people will stir troubles, possibly jeopardizing your plans 天煞 The Sky Poison star will increase conflicts in relationships, bring about robbery risks and ruin your plans unexpectedly due to weather problems. Take precautionary actions against robbery and theft. 解法 The Fix 每月初六、十八、廿六夜向西方叩拜犯太陰星君, Therefore in order to make everything auspicious, you must face West a bit before midnight and worship the Moon God on the eve of the 6th, 18th and the 26th of every lunar month this year by using a consecrated urn with the standard 5 offerings, recite the Moon God Incantation and 將太陰符和金紙燒化,以保吉祥。 transform the Moon Goddess talisman along with the ![]() 每月初一、十五早,宜用香、花、菓、清茶、壽金, 拜請安賀諤將軍太歲星君符。即萬事大吉。 Also, every new & full moon make offerings of joss, flowers, fruit, tea and gold/siver paper to Star Lord Gen. Léih Sìhng 李誠星君 Star Lord via his talsiman stuck the front lip or back wall of your altar. 出門帶 ![]() Don't forget that the 風水 geomancy in your abode must be correct as well!
| ![]() Lucky numbers: 5 18 47 88 New Years Eve wear Green - New Years Day wear Yellow Rest of the year: Black for more details contact below:
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