HARES 害太歲 病符 凶神 陌越 羊刃 六害 天醫 遊奕 Mystical maiden of the 9the Heaven
病符凶神入宮 The evil sickness god enters your palace
勿入病人家 勿食喪物 Don't eat any food at or from funerals
身體不安 Your body will be ill at ease
謀事不成就 願守舊業 Just stay with your old profession and everything will be alright
宜制化即安 事事如意。 注意小心保護身體。 若犯者 用病符符與藥方治者 快癒也。 Pay attention and protect your body. If you get sick, you will find that no medicine will work. To make it work, take the Sickness talisman, transform it into water and take the medicine with it, then you will heal quickly. Note that for greatest effect, one should use a consecrated urn, devoted to
九天玄女 heavenly god fu the Mystical Lady of the Ninth Heaven along with candles, fruit offerings, tea and liquor.


害太歲 “Injurious Influx”
means incompatibility. When the Influx is harmful, one will not do well simply because you cannot connect well with the rest of the 11 other zodiacs. You cannot get along with anyone, always in confrontation mode and will face difficulty at work. Your public image will become tarnished and this will be a major disadvantage for those who are in politics, showbiz, business and doing sales. Gossips and troublemakers are aplenty making you difficult to concentrate on getting more important things done.
病符 首指「疾病危厄」,主自身患上頑疾。
Sick tally suggests that hares will have ill health. Body lacks peace or is uneasy. It marks of prevailing sickness and indicative of possible surgery and operations. You are prone to accidents and injuries, therefore be alert at all times. Every year, this is the strongest illness star that is feared most when it enters ones constellation. Eat the right diet for you, do plenty of exercises and sleep early so that your immune system can be charged. You should also avoid visiting any sick people in the hospital to avoid triggering & connecting to the onset of bad luck.
Surpassing Path
陌越 Surpassing Path Star will make one restless, worried and anxious. Therefore, being mindful of such negative thoughts is paramount to maintain one’s mental peace for the year. What one should do is to try to maintain a good balance between work and personal life to keep the worries at bay. But this is considered a lucky star that shines on you & will benefit your career. However, wage earners are unlikely to get genuine promotion (one with salary rise) although you are under the influence of this star. Those in business have the advantage of spending less time on sales to close more deals. Goat Blade
羊刃 此星同時帶有「物極必反」及「過剛則折」的象徵意義,務必提防在權力、 財政及喜樂的高峰遇上急轉直下的困厄,導致樂極生悲。 天命在此忠告─金玉滿堂,莫之能守;富貴而驕,自遺其咎。功遂身退,天之道! Goat Blade will make you feel impatient, anxious and with a bad temper with low tolerance limit. As such, you will see your career, finance and relationships filled with said bad temper. 6 Injurous
六害 帶有「六親失和」之意。 .天命在此奉勸你─今年待人處事須持和氣平靜之心,凡事「退一步海闊天 空」,萬事以和為貴,這樣自然能與家人維持和睦。 Six Injurious Star brings about loneliness and isolation that leads to moodiness and ill-tempers. Though one is not necessarily ostracized and cut-off per se, this star tends to nudge you into the anxiety zone, It may fester into depression as well as cause disagreements or ill wills or magnify trivial matters into something serious, more so amongst the “Six (6) Relatives”六亲. the looming of this star will be giving you many personal disputes that can greatly hinder work progress. It suppresses your mood and stirs up bad temper, causing you to Heavenly Doctor go either on a fight or on self-isolation most of the time. Spouses and couples quarrel easily. It obstructs your career progress. Your hard work will not be recognized and there will be relentless amount of bickering that brings you a host of problems at work.
Sudden Jump
天醫 Heavenly Doctor gives you the advantage of finding the right path to healing if you fall sick. There is going to be a nobleman who will advise you on what primary treatment, alternative cure or supplement to take that leads you to fast recovery. The presence of this star is unable to neutralize the Sick tally star as the propitious star is not strong enough.
驀越 Sudden Jump 雖為吉星,Although considered a strong auspicious star 但其效力僅屬一般,but it's effectiveness is barely common? 助益不大,so it's benefits aren't great 幾近可有可無。and on the verge of not essential.
遊奕 Wandering Radiation star indicates disaster & mutation.

All in all, you will not have an outstanding year. Be cautious with your health as you are prone to illnesses. Your relation with others will be poor coupled with many disputes and arguments. There is high likelihood of gossips leading to emotional volatility. You are most likely going to experience a change in your job as you are facing career instability. It will inevitably cause tears in your relationship and wedded ones may leave the realm of marraige. Singles will be lonely and self-centered, therefore will need to take action to meet potential partners. How favourable the year turns out to be will very much be dependant by how you overturn the negative influences with talismans & feng shui cures and how you tap on to the good luck by surrounding yourself with feng shui enhancers.

Using cures and enhancers will be vital to subdue unfavorable outcome and materialize favorable ones. Preparing to counter setbacks will help you stay on top of things. They have the power to bring negative issues or bad occurrences to an end and convert negative outcomes into positive ones, resulting in a lot of seemingly problematic obstacles becoming blessings in disguise. On an equally important note, you will also need to use the recommended enhancers to release the good luck. If you don’t do anything about them, you will only let the opportunities pass. The luck activation practice is like creating new inroads to manifest. It has to be emphasized that changing your approach, thought, behavior, stand and attitude alone are considered as reactive and will not address bad luck or release any good luck. Bracing yourself mentally against any unfortunate events that may occur throughout the year without doing anything is the most unwise plan to do.
The below are the proactive measures to drive for a fruitful year
Rabbit in Dragon year

Besides using the Mystical Lady of the 9th Heaven's talisman whenever you take medicine, you need to
正月初九或十五,每月初一,十五,本身生日,宜安奉太歲星君 以保合家平安大吉。
On the 9th day of the first lunar month or the first full moon and your lunar birthday and on
every new & full moon for the rest of the year, keep a veggy diet and perform
rituals to the God of the Year with a consecrated urn and Jupiter Influx talisman and also carry the 360° Protection talisman whenever you leave your abode in order to keep you & your family safe,
sound and auspicious. Finally, dont forget to make sure that your abode is Geomantically sound.

Lucky numbers: 6 14 28 49
New Years Eve wear Green - New Years Day wear Green
Rest of the year: Yellow

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